ENGLISH - Fundacja Matecznik

Dołącz do naszej Watahy i wspieraj Kobiety razem z nami!


At the Matecznik Foundation, we strengthen pregnant and postpartum women. We awaken the she-wolves in them – strong, brave and loud. Because we believe in the power of Women and Mothers.

How did it all start?

Our fuel were anger and disagreement with what women experience during childbirth. Because, like Ina May Gaskin, one of the greatest midwifery experts in the world, we believe that “if a woman doesn’t look like a goddess giving birth, someone is treating her badly.”

And out of this anger and the belief that every woman deserves to give birth like a goddess, we founded a foundation.

How do we support women?

  • we organize educational webinars
  • we provide psychological and legal support to women
  • we write about the legal aspects of childbirth and parenthood
  • we proceed interventions in hospitals.


Alicja Nowaczyk – President of the Management Board of the Matecznik Foundation.

Where did I come from?

I studied economics, worked for 5 years in international corporation, and after giving birth to my first child, I completed a doula course. It turned out that I was more interested in topics related to pregnancy and the entire perinatal period than financial analysis.

What do I do at the Matecznik Foundation?

I’m “the one from Excel” – I keep an eye on budgets, schedules and reports. I run webinars for future parents. I control compliance with the law in maternity wards – I write interventions, applications and requests for explanations.

Why am I doing this?

I care about compliance with the law in maternity wards and increasing the legal awareness of future parents. I wish every woman in labour not to be afraid to ask questions and be treated as a partner by medical staff.

What about apart from working at the Foundation?

I am a mother of three kids 🙂 You can find me climbing – both outdoor and indoor. And sometimes I lie down in a hammock and read.

Anna Furmaniuk – Vice-President of the Foundation’s Management Board.

Where did I come from?

I am an social activist with a master’s degree in sociology from Adam Mickiewicz University. I started my social work as a volunteer for non-governmental organizations supporting disabled people. But the most important area of my social activities became pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood.

What do I do at the Matecznik Foundation?

I feel best when thinking about foudation’s plan, in what direction we should go. I like to be thrown into the deep end and challenge myself, because “those who stand still tend to go backwards”. I conduct some webinars and trainings and represent the foundation externally. I believe in the power of networking and alliances.

Why am I doing this?

I believe that there is great strength in mothers. Awakening it in women gives me the greatest satisfaction. I teach them about their rights to give them confidence. I would like childbirth to become a source of strength for every woman. Every woman and every child deserves it.

What about apart from working at the Foundation?

I feel best on mountain trails – in my free time I’m either on an expedition or planning one 🙂

Dołącz do naszej Watahy i wspieraj Kobiety razem z nami!


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Anna Furmaniuk 694 750 395
Alicja Nowaczyk 660 715 059

ul. Jabłoniowa 9/1
60-185 Skórzewo

Fundacja Matecznik
KRS: 0000639450
Regon: 365551757
NIP: 7811933806

Numer konta:
30 1600 1462 1837 1383 1000 0001
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